

The tape ends, and the room falls quiet.

DANIEL: “So, what do we do now?”

BONNIE: “Watch another tape? This was interesting but not vital, right?”

DANIEL: “And the other ones are going to be vital?”

SAM: “There’s a couple others that might be good.”

Distantly, the building creaks.

OMAR: “Maybe we should go see if we can get to the roof? I’m concerned that we don’t know what all that rain and thunder was about.”

CLARA: “A storm?”

ASH: “Weird green sky storm?”

OMAR: “I don’t like that we’ve been sat here too long. Stuff could be happening where we can’t see it, and I still don’t think that was actually a storm.”

The Rightwards Research Facility feels much larger, emptier and darker than it used to.

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